How to Be a Five-Star Plus-One

Wedding season is upon us and to be someone’s plus one is the utmost honor. And also the biggest pain. Weddings are a celebration, after all, and the idea of letting loose in a room full of strangers is enticing, but there are certain guidelines that should be followed to ensure you’re the ultimate plus-one. However, we should warn you, that the better plus-one you are, the more weddings you’ll be invited to, so proceed with caution.

Heads Up

Before you go, get a quick idea of who will be there and what they’re about. Find out who your date likes and why, who they don’t like and why, who you can joke around, who you need to be serious around, and so on and so forth.

The Ultimate Hype Woman

Of course, you’re attending the wedding to have fun, but you also need to make your date look good. It’s just the rules of being an awesome plus-one. We aren’t saying you have to throw down the red carpet before they enter a room, we just mean you should laugh at their jokes, agree with the good conversation points they’re making, don’t roll your eyes, and only look at them as though they put the stars in the sky. Not a lot to ask really.

Hold On to Those Complaints

It’s so not cool to spend the evening complaining because there’s no doubt our date will probably wish they had just gone solo. Don’t check your watch or phone too often, dramatic yawns won’t be necessary, and rolling your eyes should only happen in jest.

Stick It Out

By agreeing to be someone’s plus-one, you’ve agreed to stick around until your date is ready to leave. No hinting that you’d like to leave and no cutting out early, have another drink or piece of cake, and put on a happy face.

Figure Out the Gift Situation Early

The person who has asked you to be their plus-one will be giving the bride and groom some kind of wedding gift, but talk with your date ahead of time to ask if you need to bring one as well. This way you’ll be prepared. If you have absolutely no idea what to get the happy couple, a nice card and gift card is always a great go-to.

Participation Points

There’s a really good chance that the wedding will involve some kind of crowd participation whether that’s blowing bubbles, holding a sparkler, taking part in a bouquet toss, or the infamous Chicken Dance on the dancefloor, whatever the case, give it your best and have fun. It only looks bad if you’re not being a good sport.

Dress the Part

Dress code is one of the most important topics you should discuss before the big day because you want to stand out for all the right reasons and not the wrong reasons. What we mean is, that you want to stand out because you look stunning in the little black dress you choose for the formal black-and-white wedding, but you don’t want to stand out because you opted to wear hot pink.

Oh, Behave

We really can only put this to you simply, but know your limits when it comes to drinking and when it comes to mingling. It’s not a good look if you overindulge and it’s not a good look if you’re getting numbers and making plans while you’re date is hanging out by the shrimp cocktail. Just be on your best behavior, have fun, look good while doing it, and everyone wins.

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