Burnout Is a Very Real Thing, Here’s How to Cope

Your brain and body can only handle going non-stop for so long before you find that you’re mentally, emotionally, and physically burned out. The worst part? Burnout comes on so gradually that there’s a good chance you won’t even notice symptoms immediately, then before you know it, your ability to function is practically non-existent. If you’re not sure that you’ve ever experienced burnout, we’ll help you figure it out as well as help you cope. You aren’t alone, we promise.

What Is Burnout and What Does It Feel Like?

Burnout is best described as physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that is brought on by chronic stress. Burnout can occur in any area of your life but it is most often associated with work.

Here are a few signs you may be experiencing burnout:

Forgetfulness/difficulty concentrating

  • Diminished pride in your work
  • Losing sight of your goals
  • Difficulty being present with loved ones
  • Feeling frustrated or irritable with co-workers
  • Unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue and/or insomnia
  • The feeling that every day is a bad day
  • Depression
  • Disliking your job
  • Frequent headaches
  • Every task you take on feels dull

What Causes Burnout?

A lot of the time, burnout is caused by your job, but burnout can be caused by a number of factors, and pretty much anyone and everyone is at risk for experiencing it. Let’s look at just some of the main causes:

Work Related:

  • Lack of recognition for good work
  • Unclear job expectations
  • Doing work that you feel is monotonous
  • Working in a chaotic environment

Lifestyle Related:

  • Working too much
  • Lack of supportive relationships
  • Taking on too much with no help
  • Not getting enough sleep

Personality Traits Associated with Burnout:

  • A pessimistic view
  • Being a perfectionist
  • Need to be in control
  • Type A personality

Dealing With Burnout

Here are just a few ways you can tackle burnout and start feeling like yourself again.

Consider Your Options

If you’re experiencing work burnout, talk to your boss about how you’re feeling and maybe you’re just a brainstorm sesh away from coming up with a solution. If you’re at a point where you don’t see things changing at work, maybe it’s time to dust off your resume, sign up for LinkedIn, and see what options are out there for you.

If you’re someone with people-pleasing tendencies and that’s the area of your life in which you’re feeling burnt out, repeat after us, “no.” That’s right, if you’re feeling burnt out because you’ve taken on too much, it’s time to put a boundary or a few in place and opt to NOT take on anything else at this time. It’s also worth taking a look at your current schedule and canceling or rescheduling a few things.

Reframe What “Work” Looks Like to You

Sometimes changing your job or career just isn’t an option, so whatever your situation is, sometimes all you can do is change your state of mind. For instance, even if you’re feeling like your job is mundane, try to find the value in your work. Finding a work-life balance that works for you, making friends at work, and taking time off are also ways you can reframe work and what it looks and feels like for you.

Talk to Someone

Struggling alone through burnout can make things all the more difficult and overwhelming. Involving a close friend or family member can make you feel less alone and they can serve as a guiding light and help you come up with possible solutions.

Confront Burnout with Professional Help

Talking to a therapist is always a great option because they can give you professional guidance when it comes to identifying causes, exploring coping methods, and navigating life through this season.

Make Time for Things That Make You Happy

Severe burnout may have you forgetting what those things even are, so to counter that feeling, sit down and make a list of the things that do make you happy so you never forget them or forget to incorporate them into your schedule. It’s important that even after you start feeling like yourself again, that you continue doing the things you love.

Take Back Control

Prioritize the things that need to get done versus the things that can wait, start delegating tasks, practice leaving work at work, and make sure you’re communicating your needs clearly and effectively.

Be Kind to Your Mind and Body

Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend, love yourself, and show kindness and compassion to you. Also make sure you’re getting restful sleep, eating nutritious meal, staying hydrated, and moving your body. It sounds simple, but these things often get forgotten about in the chaos, so just stay mindful.

Set Boundaries

This is not a lazy, selfish, or mean thing to do, your time is precious and nobody should have access to you 24/7, so put your phone on do not disturb, be selective about commitments, and limit the time you give to others.

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