Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine’s Day

We’re starting to see Valentine’s promotions in our inboxes and, single or taken, we’re having a hard time getting in the romantic mood this year. Valentine’s Day is a controversial holiday with a track record of making single people feel bad for being single. In the past, it has been written off as a silly Hallmark holiday, but this year—a year that took loved ones and tested relationships—Valentine’s Day can feel particularly painful if we can’t see the people we love.

If you and your S.O. are looking forward to a little quality time at home, that’s awesome, but if you’re single as a pringle, remember that Valentine’s Day can celebrate ALL kinds of love, including our favorite…self-care! Here are a few alternative ways to spend the day focused on the most important relationship in your life—the one you have with yourself.

Write Yourself a Love Letter

I know it sounds a little cheesy, but it’s important to remember to nurture your relationship with yourself. It doesn’t have to be a sonnet; it can simply be a bulleted list of things you’ve done or ways you’ve behaved that made you feel good about yourself. Fold it up and tuck it away somewhere for a rainy day. You’ll thank yourself later.

Take Yourself on A Date

Whether that means making a reservation for one at your favorite outdoor dining spot, cooking your favorite meal, or getting the most delicious take-out, this is all about doing something you love for yourself. If you’ve never dined alone before, you’re in for a treat! There’s no awkward small talk and no having to share your favorite dish. If you’re at home, try setting the table, lighting some candles, and pouring a glass of nice wine.

Queue Up Some Entertainment

Plan ahead. What movie or TV show is going to put you in a good headspace? Set up a viewing party for yourself of some feel-good content, open a bottle of wine, and let the serotonin flow.

Re-Connect (Virtually)

No, this is not me telling you to text your ex. A lot of people are going to spend Valentine’s Day alone. Make a plan to set up some time to chat, FaceTime, or Houseparty with a good friend or two. I know we’re all pretty over the virtual socializing, but if you know your friends might also be feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day, a virtual hangout may be just what you need.

Send Yourself Chocolates

Or flowers. Or whatever you feel like receiving in the mail. It’s a gift for you, from you. Give yourself something to look forward to and indulge in when the day comes.

Stay Off Instagram

If Valentine’s Day feels like a sensitive topic for you this year, do yourself a favor and stay off of Instagram. Who needs all the FOMO and declarations of love? Not you. You can’t be a good date for yourself if you’re on the phone all night either. Put it away and give yourself the attention you deserve. It might just be your favorite Valentine’s Day ever.

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