Low Sex Drive? Change it With These Tips

Sex drives fluctuate over time. So before you jump to the conclusion that something is wrong with you, understand that there are many other reasons why you may be experiencing a low sex drive, including:

  • Stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Medications like antidepressants and SSRIs
  • Menopause or pregnancy
  • Fatigue
  • Alcohol, drugs, or smoking
  • Lack of connection with current partner
  • Medical diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and more.

How can you turn that low sex drive around? Here are some helpful tips.

Anxiety Management

You might be experiencing little to no desire to have sex because your anxiety is too much to handle. So, getting a grip on your anxiety is the first step. Talking with a therapist to help find the root of your stress and ways to manage it may lead you to a better sex life.

Check Out Your Sleep Schedule

Sleep can affect numerous areas of your life, including your libido. Think about how many hours you sleep every night and what kind of sleep you get. Then, aim to follow a consistent sleep schedule, establish a nightly routine, create a good sleeping environment, be active throughout the day, limit caffeine intake, and pay attention to what you eat or drink before bed. If you think a serious sleep condition may be involved, speak with your doctor about a treatment plan.

Incorporate More Foreplay

Sometimes, it’s not beneficial to jump immediately into sex. You may need a little help – and that’s completely normal. Enter foreplay. You shouldn’t be expected to go from zero to 100 immediately, so be patient with yourself.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise has many health benefits, including promoting a positive self-image, improving overall mood, increasing sympathetic nervous system activity, and much more. So it’s no surprise that your sex drive can also improve when you’re more active.

Consume Chocolate

Chocolate can increase sexual desire, as it promotes the release of serotonin, which can lift your mood and libido. Serotonin can get the blood flowing for a smoother experience.

Do you have any tips for improving your sex drive? Share them with us in the comments below!


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