How to Make a Strong First Impression

Whether interviewing for a job, going on a date, or meeting a potential new friend or client, first impressions can be everything. These tips will ensure you make a strong first impression!

Show Up On Time

If you’re planning to meet someone for the first time, do not be late! This may signal to the other person that you are often late or disorganized. Also, to confuse matters a bit, don’t be too early. The sweet spot is to arrive 5 minutes ahead. If you have to, leave earlier than needed, then sit in your car to wait out the clock.

Dress Well

If you’re meeting someone for the first time and you look as if you just rolled out of bed, it can send several messages: One, you didn’t feel this meeting was important. Two, you are lazy and uncaring. Or three, you are too busy. None of these messages is great. For this reason, dress the part. If you’re going to an interview, dress professionally and conservatively. If you’re going on a date, dress to impress. Whatever event you’re attending, dress accordingly to showcase that you care and make the best first impression possible.

Pull Back on Nervous Ticks

Your body language says a lot, and it can unintentionally give off negative vibes. Crossing your legs and arms, for example, may demonstrate that you’re closed off. If you’re extremely fidgety, you can come across as either nervous or uninterested. Just as you should think about what you say during a first meeting, you should also be conscious about what you do.

Focus on Them

Have you ever heard the phrase “be interested, not interesting”? This is the perfect summary of what a first meeting should be like. Talking about yourself too much can come off as conceited. Instead, actively think about how much you’re talking versus how much you’re letting the other person talk. Let silences be if you need to. We know this is easier said than done, but once you master it, you will come across as much more thoughtful, and the other individual will feel you’re interested.

Be Yourself

Most people respect honesty. As such, simply being yourself will help you to make a strong first impression. This is also a great method for weeding people out. If they don’t respond well to your personality, they likely aren’t someone you want to be around anyway. It’s a win-win!

What are some tips you have for making a strong first impression? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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