Help! My SO Is Smothering Me

Being in a relationship where you and your significant other do everything together can be amazing. But at other times, it can feel like you are being, well, a bit smothered. How do you convey this to your partner without hurting their feelings too much? We are here to give you advice on what to do when it feels like your SO is smothering you.

Have Your Own Opinions

Sometimes, it can feel as if you must agree with your partner on everything to avoid drama. But you can have different viewpoints, and you don’t always have to agree in order to have a strong relationship. It may cause arguments, but when you get to the bottom of it, it could strengthen your relationship.

Be Open About Your Feelings

Communication is the key to any successful relationship. If you feel smothered, tell your partner that you are feeling like you are due for some “me time”…whatever that may be. Be open and honest with them and set clear boundaries.

Make Small Choices Without Your Partner

Having to ask for your partner’s approval on everything can feel like you are being controlled. If you are in a long-term, committed relationship, then life-changing decisions are important to discuss. But, minor choices you make on your own don’t need your SO’s blessing. Making your own decisions can also help you become more independent.

Do Some Things on Your Own

We don’t mean break up; we mean taking some time apart from your partner. For example, spend some time with family or have a sleepover with friends. Having time alone is important and can help you establish your individual needs and wants.

Build Up Trust in Your Relationship

Strong relationships are built on trust. If your SO Is smothering you, it may be because they are afraid they will lose you if they are not with you whenever possible. Let your SO know that you have faith in your relationship. If you are still struggling with trust issues from the past, be open with your partner and talk about it. It could help fix an emotionally suffocating relationship.

Get Professional Help

Couples therapy can be beneficial for relationships: It can improve communication, allow you both to express your feelings, and give you professional advice and suggestions about how to fix any underlying issues.

How have you dealt with a smothering partner? Let us know in the comments below!


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