So, what is this talent industry anyway?

Castings with CMS generally fall into four broad categories:

Acting is traditionally defined as the art or practice of representing a character on a stage or before cameras, but these days it can also include a variety of new media (think web series, podcasts, etc.)  Regardless of the medium, it is the portrayal of emotions and situations using speech, actions and expressions as instruments. Acting involves a broad range of skills – a well-developed imagination, physical and emotional expressiveness and clarity of speech.  Most professional actors train in a range of areas, including singing, scene-work, audition techniques and acting for camera. If you are drawn towards acting, remember that what will distinguish you from all the other acting talent is dedication, reliability and willingness to follow direction. CMS can help you get started with your auditions!

Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice and augments regular speech by the use of sustained tonality, rhythm and a variety of vocal techniques. That simple definition encompasses a world of possibility for potential singing careers. Genres such as opera, gospel, jazz, blues, rock and hip-hop are the tip of the iceberg.  Aspiring singers and vocalists must have musical skill, an excellent voice, the ability to work with people and a sense of showmanship and drama.  A long-lasting career in singing requires time, dedication, instruction and regular practice. While it’s possible to get noticed as a singer on Internet platforms such as YouTube and a variety of reality TV shows, it is more practical to gain experience and exposure through steady jobs.

Dancing is much more than moving your feet and body to music. Dance has aesthetic and symbolic value. It expresses ideas or emotions, releases energy, or simply delights in the movement itself.  Dance as a profession is a skillfully choreographed art practiced largely by a professional few. To have a successful career as a dancer, it is important to display creativity, teamwork and persistence, as well as balance, knowledge of dance techniques and physical stamina. Dancing is a career where it is essential to have professional training and support. Private dance or performing arts schools and colleges can provide the experience needed to join a professional dance company, or opportunities in theater productions, TV shows, movies, and dance recitals.

Modeling is (technically) using a person in a role either to promote, display or advertise commercial products (notably fashion clothing), or to serve as a visual aide for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography. Most people, though, consider it the ultimate in glamorous professions. While young models aren’t ready for the runway, they can start their career in commercial or print modeling, and work their way up.  Being a successful model does require commitment, persistence and a thick skin.  Modeling schools aren’t a requirement, but might help the young model gain poise and confidence. Creating a CMS profile is a great first step to a modeling career.

These categories provide a general overview of the talent industry. Chances are, someone who is talented in one area is talented in another. Fortunately, CMS has castings for all the double and triple threats out there!


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