Ways to Cope With Grieving a Loved One

Losing a loved one is never easy – and there’s no set-in-stone way to grieve. You may have heard of the five stages of grief, but knowing when each stage will happen is impossible. Unfortunately, not knowing is the hardest part, and you can start to feel hopeless and depressed. Here are some ways to cope with loss when things get hard.

Talk About the Death

It can seem daunting to talk about when, why, where, and how a person you cared about died. But it can help jumpstart the grief process. Find someone you feel comfortable speaking to, whether a family member, friend, colleague, or therapist. Discuss what happened and how you feel about the situation. Honor memories and laugh at stories. This can help you avoid sinking into isolation.

Stay Connected to the Person You Lost

Some grief professionals recommend staying connected with the person you lost instead of letting them go and moving on. Here’s how:

  • Feeling and believing that they are right by your side
  • Speaking to them in prayer or out loud
  • Using their morals and values to make decisions
  • Speaking to people who knew them

Take Care of Yourself

Prioritizing yourself can seem very stressful when processing the loss of a loved one, but it’s necessary. Eat a well-balanced diet to keep your energy levels up, take your medications, get adequate sleep and exercise to keep your health and immune system up. If you focus on yourself, the days won’t seem as long. You will eventually get to the end of the grief tunnel in your own time.

Accept Your Emotions

If you feel tears coming, don’t hold them back. If you are angry about the situation, let the feelings pass. No matter the emotion, it’s okay to feel that way. Don’t think you “should” feel a certain way because there are no rules for how a person grieves. It’s okay if you’re not ready to move on; these things take time.

Seek Help From a Therapist or Grief Counselor

It can be hard to work through grief alone. If you need help from a professional to guide you, seek it. Many people who have lost a loved one experience great benefits after just a few months of therapy sessions.

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