Ways to Build a More Inclusive Corporate Culture

Unfortunately, many corporate cultures lack inclusivity, which can impact their ability to draw in new talent. If you’re looking to build a more inclusive corporate culture but aren’t sure where to begin, here are some tips to get you started.

Train Management

Every individual in your organization with direct reports should undergo diversity, equity, and inclusion training. Inclusivity begins with your managers, as they are the face of the organization to their subordinates. They will dictate whether your employees feel included; if they don’t reflect the culture you want for your organization, it’s time to train them so that they do.

Rely on Your Core Values

Every organization has core values to which it holds its employees accountable. Use them. Not only that, but make sure they reflect inclusivity. If they don’t, revise them to detail the importance of equity in your organization. Your core values shape your organization, so without mention of these elements, you’re already missing the mark on inclusivity.


New ideas should never be discounted, regardless of the employee’s position within your organization. Various perspectives are important, and every suggestion should be given reasonable consideration. It’s crucial to listen to these ideas and make decisions accordingly. Never discount a new idea right off the bat; it can be demoralizing for the employee, and it could cost you an innovative approach to a subject.

Consider Wage Gaps

Vague policies such as “be more inclusive” aren’t enough if you want to have a more inclusive corporate culture. One aspect is related to your corporate wages. Look at any potential salary disparities from a variety of angles: Are men paid more than women? Are there people being paid less – even if they hold the same position? If anything looks unbalanced, it’s time to implement change. Additionally, increasing wages is a strong morale booster, so this is a great place to start from that approach.

Think About Inclusivity From Recruitment

Recruiting new employees is a process, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly when considering inclusivity. For example, think about your job descriptions, which are often the first impression an individual has with your organization. It’s important to use inclusive language and mention your diversity efforts. Even listing a salary range could draw in more diverse candidates.

Hold Employees Accountable

An inclusivity policy is nothing without accountability. What happens if there is microaggression (negative verbal remarks) in the workplace? How do you deal with an employee who doesn’t demonstrate the companies core values? Holding employees accountable shouldn’t be threatening. You should clearly communicate what you expect of employees and the internal review process when they don’t meet these expectations.

Diversity, equity, and inclusivity are important to the integrity of your organization. Without them, you’ve already fallen behind, and your corporate culture will suffer. It’s all about forward progress, so utilize these tips to ensure your culture is inclusive.

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