Relaxing Things to Do to Release Stress

Are you tired of feeling stressed? Do you crave relief from mental anxiety and physical tension? We are here to help! Let us share some self-help techniques that can help you release stress on your own.

Perform a Morning Sensory Exercise

This first tip may sound a little bizarre, but trust us; it will de-stress you the moment you roll out of bed.

To start your day with a five-minute sensory activity, pick one of the five senses – sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste – and focus on it. For example, feel a soft blanket in your hands or a thick rug between your toes. Concentrate on the fabric, how it feels, the temperature, etc., and meditate on it. This will calm your heart rate, preparing you for the day ahead.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

If you feel muscle tension but haven’t done strenuous exercise, chances are that tension is caused by stress. Work it out through progressive muscle relaxation.

Lie down and close your eyes. Pick one muscle group (we suggest starting at the forehead or the toes) and tense it; hold for a few seconds, then relax. Then, move on to the next muscle group. If you start at the forehead, move on to your cheeks and jaw. If you start at your toes, proceed up the leg to your calves. Don’t stop until you’ve relaxed every part of your body.

Reread a Favorite Book

New books are great – the shock of what’s to come is exciting. But if you’ve been stressed out, rereading a tried-and-true favorite can really hit the spot. Revisiting a classic book can evoke familiarity and nostalgia, which can decrease stress levels.

Create Artwork

Getting into the creative sectors of your brain can relieve stress, especially if it’s something you used to do as a kid. Why? It brings out your inner child, a version of yourself that didn’t know what stress felt like. We suggest drawing, painting, or coloring, which can be meditative and calming.

Watch the Sunset

We gave you a way to relax at the beginning of the day; now it’s time for a way to relax at the end of the day: Head outdoors and watch the sunset. This may seem silly, but it’s worth it. Simply visualizing the sun going down can make your brain think it’s time to let go of the day’s stresses.

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