How to Identify and Eliminate Decision Fatigue

Making good choices throughout the day is hard – so, to ensure you make good choices, work to eliminate decision fatigue.

What is Decision Fatigue?

If you find yourself quitting when you need to make a decision, you are faced with decision fatigue. We can’t avoid every decision in life, though, and this avoidant behavior can create more problems. If you’ve been feeling decision fatigue, know that it’s a common issue and that people are faced with a limited amount of good decisions they can make in one day. The key? Keep reading below.

How to Deal with Decision Fatigue?

Prioritize Important Decisions

When you wake up in the morning, your mind is blank and ready for the day. This is when you make the best decisions, as you haven’t been overwhelmed with daily tasks and responsibilities yet. Try to use this to your advantage and make the most impactful or important decisions in the morning.

Don’t Dwell on Inconsequential Decisions

Sometimes choosing a path of less resistance is a good thing. You shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about decisions that aren’t important in the long run. Try to choose quickly when it comes to basic decisions to eliminate decision fatigue.

Plan Beforehand

Limit the number of decisions you will have to make each day. One of the best ways to eliminate decision fatigue is to eliminate decision making for unimportant tasks altogether. Steve Jobs used to wear the same outfit every day to eliminate the decision what to wear that day. You can plan out your clothing combinations, meals, and what shows you’ll watch that week in advance to avoid making unnecessary decisions.

Change Your Lifestyle

We are often surrounded by too many things, making our lives feel cluttered and making it harder to make easy decisions. Try taking a more minimalistic approach to life. When you eliminate unnecessary clutter from your life, making decisions will likely become easier. You will be able to focus on the more important things in life without giving too much importance to everyday minutiae.

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