How to Be Taken More Seriously at Work

If you’ve ever been new at a job, you know respect must be earned. Here are some tips for how to be taken more seriously in the workplace.

Get There Early

And by “there,” we mean everywhere – lunches, interviews, meetings, company functions, etc. Arrive early, and take a few minutes to settle in and prepare for what’s to come. It’s not cool to be the person who is always running late.

Be Confident

Confidence comes easy for some people, but exuding it no matter how you feel is important. Exhibiting level-headedness and assertiveness will show your co-workers that you should be taken seriously by peers and upper management alike.

Be Open to Learning

When was the last time you took a know-it-all seriously? If you want to grow professionally, being open to learning is vital. Every few months, assess how you’re doing at work. If there are areas that could be improved, reach out to people who can teach you a thing or two. This behavior is respected and sought after in the workplace.

Hold That Thought

A sometimes hard-to-follow rule of thumb is to keep quiet unless you have something valuable to add to a conversation. Saying something inappropriate may get you a chuckle, but as far as being taken seriously, the chances are slim.

Always Be Prepared

Always be a superstar presenter. Do more research than you think you need, always have a backup plan, and rehearse leading up to the presentation.

Dress the Part

The way we dress and present ourselves matters. So, get to know your audience and find a way to look professional while letting your personality shine through.

Know Your Stuff

Take time every day to stay updated on industry news and current events. If these topics arise at work, you’ll be prepared to contribute to the conversation.

Always Be Humble and Kind

When it comes down to it, this may be the best advice we can give. It’s important to respect everyone around you, never brag about your accomplishments, and keep quiet when your opinion is not needed. Strive to be known for these things, and you will be one step closer to being taken seriously.

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