Fresh Dog Food vs. Kibble

For decades, kibble was the go-to food option for dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds, but in the last decade, more and more brands touting all-natural, fresh dog food have been gaining traction. And since there is no one we love more than our four-legged fur babies, we are now pressed to ask the question: After all these years of feeding our doggies kibble, is it really all that bad? Let’s discuss!

Processed Dog Food

Store-bought canned and kibble dog food, whether they are labeled natural or organic, tend to be highly processed. (To kill bacteria found in the ingredients of dog food and make it safe for consumption, it has to go through heavy processing.) However, be aware that food marked as “human-grade” isn’t always the better option. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) states that it is a misleading claim.

Easier to Digest

Studies have shown that nutrients in fresh human food are easier for dogs to digest, though it’s not fully known how this impacts a dog’s overall health. And because regulations on displaying ingredients and nutritional value in dog food aren’t stringent, brands claiming to be better for your dog can list healthy-sounding ingredients in their “natural” food despite only including nominal amounts.

Make It Yourself

One of the biggest benefits of making your pup food is that you will know each ingredient going into the meals, and you can alter and change the diet as needed depending on your dog’s age and health. Check out The Spruce Pets to learn about making homemade food for puppies.

Considerations and Alternatives

If you want to start making your doggo homemade meals, first talk to your veterinarian to see if it is a suitable choice that meets your fur baby’s needs. You will be tasked with making well-balanced meals so your pup doesn’t become undernourished. There are alternatives to cooking your dog’s meals, including frozen raw dog food, which can be found at pet stores, and pet food delivery brands like The Farmer’s Dog.

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