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Four Microwave Cooking Hacks

As much as we like heating things up on the stove or oven, sometimes a microwave is the easier choice. When it comes to these microwave hacks, we know that you can use them even if you’re a stove lover.

Peel garlic with ease

Garlic peeling may be one of the most daunting tasks in the kitchen. You’re left scratching and peeling the skin, ultimately ending up with garlic hands, that even a bottle of soap won’t mend. However, if you have a microwave, the experience just got a lot easier.

Put as much garlic as you need on a ceramic or glass plate and then place it in the microwave for about 20 seconds on high. Watch as the skin beautifully and seamlessly slides off the cloves.

Ripen bananas

You don’t need to wait for your bananas to ripen anymore. A microwave will do that for you. First, you’ll need to poke holes all over the fruit before putting them in the microwave. Make sure not to skip this step, or you’ll end up with exploded bananas. Place them in the microwave for a minute or two, and they’ll be ripe enough for any recipe! Magic.

Make quick desserts

You don’t need to preheat the oven to enjoy desserts anymore. There are a lot of sweets which you can whip up with a microwave. This chef’s favorite is a mug cake, which simply involves putting cake batter in a coffee mug and placing it in the microwave. Ice cream too hard? Pop it in the microwave for 10 seconds!

Get more juice from a lemon or lime

If you’re not getting enough juice from your lemon or lime, pop them in the microwave for 10 to 20 seconds until the skin is warm. Heat makes it softer which makes it easier to squeeze and get more juice.

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