5 Things To Do Before Bed Every Night

Falling asleep can sometimes be a tough task, as it requires you to relax completely. Many things can influence the quality of your sleep, which is why you should be mindful of what you are doing before going to bed. For instance, looking at screens and blue light before bed can disturb your sleep. Here are five things you should do instead.


Journaling is a great habit that can help you be more relaxed and present overall. It’s a great medium to destress before going to sleep, as it allows you to wrap up the day and remove any negative thoughts by writing them down. Journaling can also help you reflect on your life to find peace and balance.

Read A Book

There is something calming about reading a book before going to bed. It allows you to consume content without hurting your eyes or disrupting your sleep cycle, and it relaxes you and puts you in a mindset where you are ready to go to sleep. Try reading a book with a larger font if you can.


Stretching is often overlooked, but it is essential since we often spend most of our days sitting at the desk. Sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time can leave you with a lot of tension. Simple stretching can make this go away and make you feel more relaxed. Restorative yoga is also an excellent choice for light stretching before sleep.

Get Ready For The Next Day

You are more likely to be productive the next day if you plan. Fill out your planner and to-do list before going to bed. This will allow you to have a stress-free morning the next day and to know which chores you should tackle first. Planning for the next day will help you wake up on time as well.


Meditation can be a potent tool that can help you feel more in touch with your body. It will help you recharge and fully relax. The practice of meditation before going to sleep can make your sleep cycle better, and you will feel more rested. Try by meditating for five to ten minutes and decide for yourself.

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