Why Am I Always Tired? Five Reasons Why You Feel Exhausted

How often do you utter the words, “I’m tired!”? Quite often? If we look at all the factors, fatigue is most often caused by a lack of quality sleep. But it’s possible that other underlying conditions could be causing your constant tiredness. Keep reading to find out what could be causing your perpetual state of exhaustion.


Sneezing and watery eyes are commonly associated with allergies, but fatigue-like symptoms can also occur. Why? Because your body is working to fend off the allergens, which requires it to expend extra energy. And it doesn’t matter what you’re allergic to; your body will have the same reaction if it’s been fighting these allergens for a while. On top of that, allergy medications can also cause drowsiness. If you feel your allergies could be causing you to feel tired, consult your doctor and consider switching your course of treatment.


It’s normal to experience stress and anxiety in life; it’s abnormal to go through prolonged periods of chronic stress, as this can lead to a perpetual state of being tired. If left untreated, you can develop stress-related exhaustion disorder or a number of additional conditions. We know it’s near impossible to avoid stressful situations, but it is possible to manage your stress the best you can. Meditation often helps, fitness routines can release pent-up emotions, and journaling has benefits. Seeking professional help through a therapist may also help you manage your stress.


Anemia is a bodily blood disorder resulting in insufficient iron production. A lack of iron makes it difficult for your blood to move oxygen around the body, resulting in tiredness. Oftentimes, people diagnosed with anemia easily become dizzy when they stand up or experience brain fog and heart palpitations. If you think you may be anemic, call your doctor and have them order blood work.


Your body needs the proper nutrients and water intake to function properly. If it doesn’t get what it’s looking for, fatigue may ensue. First, think about calories: Consuming less than 1,000 calories a day can lead to insufficient energy and tiredness. Then, think about protein: Without sufficient protein, it’s harder for your body to perform everyday activities like walking up a flight of stairs or around the block. You’ll also want to limit sugar because you’ll only receive a temporary boost in energy; afterward, your body releases insulin to lower blood sugar levels, which can result in additional tiredness. And, finally, stay hydrated. Insufficient H2O can also bring on fatigue. On average, men should drink 15.5 cups of water a day, and women should drink 11.5 cups.


Depression can come with a range of symptoms, including fatigue. Other signs of depression include:

  • Sadness
  • Anxiousness
  • Hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of guilt
  • No pleasure in hobbies
  • Restlessness
  • Oversleeping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight changes
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Digestive issues

If you’re experiencing any of these additional symptoms, there is no shame in seeking mental health care. Symptoms can subside if the proper treatment plan is solidified.


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