The Health Benefits of Kissing

Kissing is a crucial part of any relationship: It feels good, increases intimacy, and physically bonds you with the person on the other side of the puckering. But what other cool health benefits can kissing offer? Let’s discuss!

Boost Your Happy Hormones

As soon as your lips meet another person’s, your brain’s pleasure centers ignite. Chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are released, promoting a state of euphoria. Another awesome perk? Kissing lowers cortisol production (the stress hormone).

Minimize Menstrual Symptoms

Cramps and headaches are two of the most common menstrual symptoms. Luckily, kissing can help ease the pain. We totally get it; one of the last things you want to do is “get your smooch on” when you’re curled up in a ball under the covers. But doing so will dilate your blood vessels, which alleviates pain.

Improve Skin Health

Can kissing clear up breakouts? Not entirely. But it can increase the blood flow to your face. A person can activate up to 24 facial muscles in an average passionate kiss. Add that to the automatic blushing of your cheeks, and you will have maximum blood stimulation. This can lead to collagen and elastin production, two nourishing proteins for the skin.

Aid in Weight Loss

There may not be any scientific evidence to support this statement, but some reports suggest that passionate kissing can burn calories. Professor Joseph S. Alpert went as far as stating that a simple kiss can burn up to 3 calories per minute, while passionate kissing can burn up to 26 calories per minute. A great way to keep that metabolism in drive!

Boost Your Immune System 

Swapping spit means whatever is in your kissing partner’s mouth goes into yours – germs and all. But exposing yourself to these new germs can benefit your immune system. Additional fun fact: If you’re in a committed, long-term relationship, you and your partner likely have the same microbiota in your saliva and on your tongue.

Fight Off Cavities

Do we mean to say that kissing can promote great dental health habits? Yes, we do. It is scientifically suggested that kissing gets the saliva in your mouth flowing, washing away plaque. Eventually, plaque can lead to cavities, but if you’re making out on the reg, you may not have to worry about it!

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