The 411 on No-Sweat Fitness

What if we told you there was a way you could get all of the benefits of a cardio workout but it only took a few minutes and you wouldn’t work up a major sweat? Too good to be true? We think not. Read on to learn more about no-sweat fitness and exactly which workouts fall into this category.

What Is a No-Sweat Workout?

No sweat fitness is simply a type of workout you can do that will tone and stretch your muscles without making you sweat. This workout is ideal for those looking to squeeze in a workout at work, during a particularly busy season such as the holiday season, for anyone with a crazy schedule who wants to workout but can’t always make it to the gym, or for those of you who, you know, don’t love sweating. With the exception of an aquatic workout, no-sweat fitness routines can also typically be done without a wardrobe change.

What Are the Benefits and Risks?

As with any workout, there are some major pros and one big con. Let’s look at them.

  • Pros:
  • No-sweat routines can be done in little time, roughly 12 – 14 minutes
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Improves balance
  • Improves flexibility
  • Gives you a little burst of energy
  • Benefits people of all ages
  • Reduce anxiety


  • Risk of injury
  • As with any workout routine, there is always a chance you go too hard or go about your workout with poor form potentially resulting in injury. Seek out exercise classes if you’re a beginner or if you’re getting back into working out and make sure you always give your body time to relax in-between workouts.

What Workouts Are Considered ‘No-Sweat’?

Believe it or not, there are quite a few options when it comes to no-sweat fitness routines. In addition to other forms of cardio and strength training that work for you, check out these no-sweat fitness workouts:


All you need for yoga are some comfy clothes, a yoga mat, and YouTube. Not sure where to start? We recommend Yoga with Adrienne for beginners all the way to expert-level yogis. Yoga can be done in as little as 10 minutes and once you get a few of the moves down, you can do yoga anywhere, any time.

Air Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward, engage your core muscles, pull shoulder blades together tightly to push out your chest, squat back as if you’re about to sit in a chair, keeping your weight in your heels, maintain your lower back and keep heels flat on the floor, hips will dip lower than your knees, hold for a few seconds, then rise up by pushing through your heels and your glutes to return to a standing position. And that’s all there is to it! Even if you just have a couple of minutes here and there throughout your day, air squats will pay off.

Resistance Stretching

This type of workout involves contracting and lengthening your muscles simultaneously. The only equipment you need is a resistance band (or pack of 3 with varying resistance levels!) New to resistance stretching? Check out this 10-minute full-body workout.


All of the health experts agree, that just getting your body up and moving on a walk is a great form of exercise. Get in some extra steps by taking a walk around the block, parting a little farther away from the entrance at your job than usual, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you can.

Aquatic Exercises

Last but not least, aquatic exercises. Aquatic exercises take place in a pool in chest or waist-deep water and don’t worry, no swimming is involved. This is a low-impact activity that takes the pressure off the bones, joints, and muscles.

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