Surprising Carb-Heavy Foods

Pizza, pasta, pastries, and more…who doesn’t love carbs!? And while we are firm believers in the “everything in moderation” mentality, we also understand that some people need to avoid carbs if they are trying to lose weight. Here, we mention a few surprisingly carb-heavy foods to be aware of.


Who would’ve thought? Fruits like apples, bananas, raisins, dates, and mangos are especially high in carbohydrates (one medium-sized banana has more carbs than a slice of bread). If you want to enjoy some fruit on your low-carb diet, lean on berries, which are lower in sugar and high in fiber.


Starchy vegetables such as corn and root vegetables (potatoes, yams, beets, etc.) are particularly high in carbohydrates. If you are trying to maintain a low-carb diet, stick to high-fiber, non-starchy veggies like broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus, and squash.


One glass of soda has about 26 grams of carbs. The number may not seem all that scary at first, but the carbs inside these sugary drinks can add up quickly. Some health care professionals call these “empty calories” because they generally won’t make you feel full but can cause weight gain.


You may be aware that sugary breakfast cereals contain a boatload of carbs, but so do the “healthier” ones. For example, one cup of cooked oatmeal can have more than 27 grams of carbs. Steel-cut oats aren’t much better, and granola is right up there with 56 grams of carbs per cup.

Fat-Free Salad Dressings

Watch out for this silent carbohydrate carrier: fat-free salad dressings. Low-fat or fat-free options often claim to be healthier, but they have to replace that fat with something – and that something is carbohydrates. Many varieties contain 10 grams in just 2 tablespoons.

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