How to Stay Productive When You’re SUPER Fatigued

When we experience fatigue at work, all we want to do is turn off the computer, put the phone on “do not disturb,” and call it a day. Unfortunately, that’s not usually an option. But if you’ve ever experienced this kind of slump, you know it can lead to missed deadlines and other work problems. In this article, we discuss how to stay productive when you are super fatigued.

What Does It Mean to Be Fatigued?

Fatigue is so much more than just being tired; fatigue is exhaustion from a prolonged period of excessive stress or activity. This can lead to burnout, impaired memory, headaches, sore muscles, dizziness, and more. Taking care of yourself and getting quality sleep will improve fatigue over time, but it’s not something one good night’s sleep will fix. If no amount of sleep and self-care helps, you can also look into therapy or counseling to prevent symptoms from worsening.

Tips for Staying Productive Despite Fatigue

Make Your Space Conducive for Work

Disable any digital distractions to stop mindless doomscrolling, declutter your workspace, and manage the noise around you with noise-canceling headphones. All these things can eliminate the chaos so you can stay focused on what needs to be done.

Keep Peppermint on Hand

Whether it’s hard candy or oil to rub on your wrists, the smell of peppermint can give you a quick boost of alertness.

Consider Workplace Yoga

Sometimes, a quick 10-minute stretch is what your body needs to get your blood pumping and shift your focus. It’s okay if some days require multiple stretching breaks – it’s a great way to turn off your brain and realign. When you need to get your blood flowing again, do some jumping jacks! (In the bathroom, of course).

Make a To-Do List, Then Prioritize It

Spend time making a to-do list and prioritizing what needs to be done immediately, what can wait, etc. This will keep you on task. We recommend knocking out the less desirable tasks first because you don’t have to think about them once they’re done. Save the easier stuff for the end of the day when you’re checked out.

Hit the Showers

Showering is the ultimate way to refresh and reset your mind and body. A warm shower can boost your mood, reduce inflammation, soothe muscles, and relax, while a cold shower can increase your oxygen intake and heart rate.

Trade Spaces

Grab your noise-canceling headphones and head to a new work environment, like a coffee shop or library. A change of scenery may boost your creativity and concentration.

Treat Yourself

Whether you’re just starting your day or halfway there but the finish line seems far away, take a few minutes to plan a relaxing evening, complete with your favorite wine, takeout from your favorite restaurant, and a long, hot bath.

Off With the Notifications

We aren’t just talking about social media notifications; we’re also talking about email notifications. Instead, schedule a block of time during the workday to check in and reply to emails as needed.

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