How Can Tarot Cards Help Your Mental Health?

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, you’ve likely been exposed to all of the “typical” remedies: meditating, journaling, exercising, etc. But allow us to introduce you to another option: reading tarot cards.

Don’t believe us? According to some experts, the spiritual practice of reading tarot cards can help you understand yourself better. This means that if and when you’re anxious or depressed, you can look at the cards and their meanings to figure out what your subconscious and conscious minds are trying to communicate. Here are some additional benefits of using tarot cards to help with mental health.

Tap Into Your Intuitive and Emotional Sides

Tarot cards are thought to help you take a deep dive into your feelings without judging them. We know that may sound scary, but it can also be rewarding and lead you to accept your emotions. Reading tarot cards can help you think about what you want, where you stand, and what really matters.

Come to Your Own Conclusions 

When a person is diagnosed with mental health issues, their friends and family often try to do everything in their power to ease the situation, inserting their own experiences or opinions on what the person “should” do. This is usually not helpful. With tarot cards, you can form your own conclusions instead of relying on others’ advice. You can pull the cards, listen to what they’re telling you, and make up your own mind. This way, it feels like you’re giving yourself advice and not leaning on anyone else.

A Communication Starting Point

If you see a therapist, but communication isn’t as free-flowing as it could be, try bringing a tarot deck to one of your sessions. Drawing cards and analyzing their meanings together can jump-start the conversation. Allow your therapist to ask you questions pertaining to your thoughts or feelings about a card. This starting point may help you and your therapist better understand your headspace.

Have you used tarot cards? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.

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