Your Daily Thought

Low Iron Can Put You at Risk of Hearing Loss

Brittle or weak nails may signal an underlying iron problem. Ask your doctor to run a blood test to check for anemia. A Penn State University study says a low level of…

Give Your Hair a Lift

Add volume to your hair by misting root lifter spray on dry roots to help hold and plump hair up. Tilt your head and blow-dry opposite the direction of where your hair…

Bathing in Epsom Salts Can Help Keep You Young

The same Epsom salts bath that relieves your muscle and joint aches can also help keep you young. Magnesium is a nutrient in Epsom salts that reduces age-related damage to nerves and…

Blueberries Can Help Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease

Want a sweeter way to help lower cholesterol and help lower your risk of heart disease? Harvard University researchers say nibbling five cups of blueberries each week could reduce cholesterol by 17…

Use a Beach Ball for Your Aching Back

A fast fix for backaches may be using your beach ball as support whenever you plan to be sitting for long periods of time. Inflate the ball about halfway and place it…

Go Small for Weight Control

Radishes are tiny packages that deliver big benefits when you’re trying to bust bloat and block weight gain. Munching on these small veggies will give you a burst of vitamin C, a…

Help Your Waistline with Yogurt

Try eating yogurt to slim up your stubborn waistline. Snacking on yogurt gave women an extra inch off their waistlines compared to those who did not eat a serving each day for…

Avoid Alcohol in Sea Salt Spray

Look for sea salt sprays with ingredients that won’t dry out your beachy waves. Your choice should hold alcohol to a minimum and contain plenty of oils and proteins. Give your hair…

Make Your Scent Last All Day Long

It’s fascinating how some people, no matter what time of day it is, smell equally fragrant all day long. It’s as if their fragrance never wears off. Well, you too can achieve…

Baking Soda Helps Whiten Fingernails

Whitening the area underneath your nails is naturally easy when you mix two teaspoons of baking soda with warm water and apply the paste on your fingernails. Make sure the mixture reaches…


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