Your Daily Thought

Classic Games To Conjure Halloween Love

Bored with the typical jack-o-lantern carving and house decorating? Looking for something more engaging to do with friends than a night in watching scary movies? Then return with us now to yesteryear,…

Different Types Of Vegan Diets

If you’re considering becoming vegan, there are a couple of options to choose from. You could either become a raw vegan, which is someone who consumes no animal products (not even fish…

Exercise, Alcohol and Sleep Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

New research may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by showing how the human brain clears away waste products, scientists say. Scientists found that a mixture of exercise, sleep and a little alcohol spurred…

Feeling Blue? Could Be Your Scented Detergent

Did you know that scented laundry detergents and body washes can contribute to feelings of depression? According to The Annals of Family Medicine, people with sensitivity to scents— even the ones they…

Ever Wake Up With A Crick In Your Neck?

If you’ve ever had a crick in your neck, then you know how painful and uncomfortable it is.  The jarring feeling can set the tone for a bad day, if you let…

Skin-Benefiting Foods

There are so many foods and ingredients that can actually help protect and nourish your skin. Eggs Yolks, Legumes, Avocados, Soybeans and Nuts: These all contain biotin—an essential chemical for fat and…

Help Protect Your Hair Color

Hair color starts to fade when you spend time outdoors because strands are exposed to UV rays. Damage from UV rays reduces hair’s ability to hold onto color. Spraying on a UV…

Taking the Salt Out of the “Salty Six”

If you have high blood pressure you’re probably already taking steps to limit salt intake.  Still, over consumption of sodium is more common than getting too little salt. We are supposed to…

Losing Weight? Don’t Skip Meals.

The secret to lasting weight loss: Don’t skip meals! Eat three square meals every day and you’ll avoid binge eating. You’ll also cut your overall calorie intake, according to a University of…


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