Getting Your First Brazilian Bikini Wax? Here’s Everything You Should Know

Are you sick of shaving your bikini area? Do you want the hair to disappear so that you don’t have to worry about ingrowns and putting yourself in an awkward shower position to get to hard-to-reach places? We hear ya, and we totally get where you’re coming from.

Enter: Bikini wax.

If you’ve never booked one, find a reputable source and get an appointment on the books. These wondrous sessions will have your bikini area feeling as smooth as a baby’s bum… for weeks! Not only is it relieving that you don’t have to take a razor and shaving cream out, but it also saves you precious time. We all know how long shaving takes.

 The rest of this blog will provide you with a bit of insight on bikini wax and what it entails, so that you don’t go in wondering what’s going to happen. By the end, you should feel super comfy with most (if not all) questions answered. Here we go!

What Is a Brazilian Bikini Wax?

 Simply put, it’s the removal of hair from the top, sides, and front of your bikini area. Pubicly, you’ll have nothing there once you leave the office. Bare will be your new look, unless you prefer to opt for a “landing strip” or triangle design.

How Is a Brazilian Wax Done?

 Brazillians are actually not much different than other waxing processes – outside of the insane yoga positions you’ll have to maneuver into.

To start, a certified esthetician will place a layer of wax to your clean skin, then quickly peel it off, along with your hair.

This can be done one of two ways: 1) Using strip wax, a hot wax that requires a strip of fabric to be placed on top, or 2) Using hard wax, a thick wax that plasticizes as it cools and can remove hair without any fabric being placed atop.

Hard wax is more common, as it causes less pain. But strip wax gets every nook and cranny.

Is There Any Prep You Need to Do Before the Appointment?

 We wouldn’t necessarily refer to it as “prep,” but you should avoid shaving for at least 2-3 weeks before you visit the esthetician’s office. They won’t be able to wax you if there’s no hair there.

The recommended length is as long as an eyelash, but it doesn’t have to be measured.

Another thing to be aware of: If you are prone to ingrown hairs or you sometimes get vaginal acne, exfoliate the area a few days before your appointment for best, minimally irritating results.

Can You Get a Brazilian on Your Period?

 Yes, you totally can, but you shouldn’t. Skin is more sensitive and pain receptors are heightened when you have your period. So getting wax done on your pubic area will just cause you more pain.

Though it’s not frowned upon – and no professional will ever turn you away – it is in your best personal interest to avoid “that time of the month” waxes.

What’s the Aftercare Process?

 Being gentle with your skin is the #1 takeaway. That means do not wear tight underwear or clothes for the first few days. Choose something a bit more comfy, like cotton panties and loose fitting pants.

Another good rule of thumb is to provide gentle exfoliation in the shower and all natural moisture after patting the area dry.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

 Redness and irritation are the most common side effects to be aware of. It’s uncomfortable, but trust us, it does go away. The best soothing aid would be an aloe-based product that you can buy OTC at your local drugstore.

A secondary common side effect would be breakouts, ingrown hairs, and bumps. But if you exfoliate before the wax and cleanse afterward, you should be in the clear.

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