Celebrity Charities We Love

image via water.org Matt Damon

We are fans of celebrities for their musical talents, athletic skills, acting chops, and more. But many celebs also use their fame and fortune to give back to people in need. Here are some of our favorite celebrity charities that are making a difference in the U.S. and around the globe!

SocialWorks – Chance the Rapper

With five initiatives – education, mental health, homelessness, performing arts, and literary arts – Chance the Rapper’s SocialWorks foundation is dedicated to empowering underserved youth to be creative and build on their dreams. The Chicago-based charity was founded in 2016 to ensure thousands of kids have opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t. Its programs and initiatives include Warmest Winter, providing relief for individuals experiencing homelessness; OpenMike, a monthly space for high school students to share, express, and network; and My State of Mind, a digital tool to help individuals access wellness professionals and programs.

The Show Me Campaign – John Legend

John Legend knows that teachers are the pillars of a great education and wants to celebrate them. He also understands that there is a disparity in education that significantly impacts poor and minority communities. The Show Me Campaign seeks to provide quality education to all children through programs such as Harlem Village Academies, Teach for America, New Profit, and Teach for All. The campaign also addresses systemic issues within the criminal justice system to help end the school-to-prison pipeline.

Water.org – Matt Damon

The mission of Matt Damon’s Water.org is to help communities across the globe gain access to safe drinking water and sanitation by assisting with small loans. Currently, about 771 million people (1 in 10) experience scarce access to safe water in their homes. In addition, 1 in 4 do not have access to toilets. The lack of access to safe water directly affects one-third of the world’s population’s health and livelihoods. Through its efforts, Water.org has empowered more than 45 million people with access to safe water or sanitation through affordable financing.

Heart and Armor Foundation – John Mayer

The priorities of the Heart and Armor Foundation are mental and physical health issues affecting combat veterans. It also seeks to connect civilians to the experience of military service. Specifically, the foundation focuses on women veterans, who are more likely to be overlooked by current systems. The foundation also aims to create research centers and resources for veterans to help enhance their legacy of service.

Born This Way Foundation – Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga founded the Born This Way Foundation in partnership with her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, to help young people with their mental health. The foundation ultimately wants to help make the world a kinder and more supportive place for the next generation through youth-led conversations and cross-sectoral partnerships that connect youth with resources, services, and programs that support mental health.

Do you have a favorite celebrity charity? Share yours with us in the comments below!

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