What an Alcohol Fast Does for Your Body

Looking to take a break from drinking? Cutting alcohol from your diet – even for a short period of time – has numerous health benefits. Here are just a few of the positive effects an alcohol fast can have on your body.

Strengthen Your Immune System

Drinking alcohol can weaken your immune system by interrupting the body’s inflammatory response. Reducing your alcohol intake will allow your body to fight off infections, colds, the flu, etc.

Give Your Liver a Break

It’s no secret that alcohol impacts your liver. However, many people don’t realize that those effects on your liver are reversible. In as little as a week sans alcohol, your liver will begin to repair itself, ensuring you avoid detrimental damage down the road.

Improve Your Gut Health

Alcohol impacts more organs in your body than just your liver, including your gut and digestive system. When you stop drinking, you relieve your body of stomach-related issues caused by alcohol, such as heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, and more.

Weight Loss

Cutting out alcohol may help you lose weight for several reasons. First, you remove the unnecessary calories in alcoholic drinks. Second, your inhibitions are no longer lowered, meaning you’re less likely to impulsively snack, “drunk eat,” or make other bad food-related decisions.

Help Your Brain

On top of the immediate cognitive effects of drinking (poor decision-making, slurred speech, and impaired coordination), heavy, long-term alcohol use can impact your brain’s overall functions, increasing your risk of developing more serious issues like dementia.

Sleep Better

You may fall asleep quickly after a night of drinking, but you most certainly will not get adequate rest. Alcohol affects the body’s ability to balance its sleep cycles, decreasing sleep quality. Cutting out alcohol will improve your body’s natural sleep rhythm, making you feel more rested, energized, and refreshed.

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