How to Meet Your Annual Reading Goals

If you set a goal for yourself to read a certain number of books by the end of the year, these last few months of the year may be challenging! With that in mind, here are a few tips to ensure you reach your annual reading goals.

Build Time Into Your Schedule

We know this is easier said than done, but when it comes to reading goals, the first step is just getting down to it. Whether you build some time into your morning routine, your nightly wind-down, or your lunch break, when you set aside time to read every day, you’re already going to be on or ahead of schedule.

Always Be Prepared

For many of us, the go-to activity when bored – whether we’re waiting at the doctor’s office, filling time before a meeting, or commuting via public transportation – is to look at our phones, scroll through social media, or play mindless games. However, when you’re always equipped with a book, you can fill that downtime with some reading.

Share Your Goals With Others

It’s no secret that when we speak a goal into existence, we’re more likely to adhere to it. For this reason, tell your friends, family, and co-workers about your reading goals so they can check in occasionally and hold you accountable. You’ll find that you’re more driven to reach your goals when you tell others about them.

Tailor Your Book Choices

Pay attention to what you’re reading and when. For instance, if there’s a biography that tends to leave you sleepy, read that book at night rather than placing a thriller in that slot that will keep you awake for hours on end. Conversely, if you have a lot of errands to run with downtime in waiting rooms, bring a book with short chapters so you can get some reading done in between appointments without feeling rushed.

Join a Book Club

Book clubs are a great way to force yourself to read more books, and they can introduce you to books you may not have otherwise chosen. That said, if there’s a book you’re not enjoying, you don’t necessarily have to force yourself to finish it. Instead, don’t feel bad admitting to the difficulty you had in completing it, and invest your time into a book you actually like.

Even the most avid bookworms can struggle with meeting their annual reading goals. However, there is still time, so use these tips to keep you on track and achieve your goals by the end of the year!

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