Tips While On Set

Be aware of surroundings

Your child is bound to be thrilled while on set. Although it may seem fun and interesting, a set is still a working environment. Large, dangerous set pieces and unfamiliar adults going about their jobs can create apprehension in children. Sets may also have a lot of moving parts and heavy equipment, so it is especially important that your child does not get in the way. Before going to a set for the first time, teach your child to always be aware of their surroundings. This is not only for safety, but also for etiquette. For instance, when silence is needed on the set, your child should quiet themselves quickly and stay quiet until they are told otherwise. Above all, ensure your child is always listening for direction from those coordinating the shoot.

Check in

Whenever your child is leaving the immediate view of the Assistant Director (AD) or Welfare Worker (many states require a licensed, certified Welfare Worker on every set employing minors), make sure to let them know where your child is going so they can find them quickly if they’re needed.

Read the call sheet

For film productions, a call sheet is given to the cast and crew to inform them of where and when they should report during a given day of filming. It’s important to learn how to read a call sheet and to make sure that you and your child are prepared for the work that day.

Leave the family at home

Limit the number of people that you bring to the set. It would be strange to bring family and friends to an office environment, the same is true for a set.

Manners, please

Your child is expected to be respectful and polite while on set. Using “thank you,” “please,” and “excuse me” go a long way with crew members.

Hot mic

Sets contain various forms of recording equipment. Remind your child whenever they’re in range of a microphone that whatever they say may be heard. If wearing a mic, your child should be especially mindful as crew members may hear whatever they say while they’re wearing it, even between takes.

Unaccompanied minor

Minors on set must always be with an adult. Do not let your child wander alone.

Don’t play

It’s important that your child does not play while on set, especially on one that is fully set up for filming.  Objects and furniture might look as though they’re secure when they aren’t and playing on or near them can be dangerous. Additionally, set pieces are in specific places for specific reasons and moving them could disrupt a scene. If your child wants to entertain themselves during their free time, make sure they move into another room until they’re needed.

Although sets will vary from production to production, these tips are universally applicable whenever filming is done. By keeping them in mind, you can ensure that you and your child have the best on-set experience possible!


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