Fatigue Fighting Tips You’re Going to Want to Read

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with day-to-day life? Like no matter how fast you go and how hard you try, there’s still so much to do. Eventually, the overload of things like work and home, family and lifestyle will catch up to you. Fatigue will set in. Burnout will quickly follow.

Luckily, there’s a way to minimize the effects of fatigue. To get your energy levels up and grant you the motivation needed to keep checking things off that to-do list. And this article will provide you with beneficial tips needed to get started.

Add Fish Oil to Your Supplemental Diet

We’ve heard from time to time that omega-3 oils are great for heart health, but did we also know that these *pretty large* capsules know how to boost alertness?

That’s right, one a day keeps the fatigue away. You just have to get in-the-habit of taking one every morning, and BAM! Increased energy, mental clarity boost, and overall quicker reaction times.

Get Up and Move Around

Let’s go down memory lane for a moment; the last time you worked out at the gym, went for a long hike, or played a sport… How did you feel? You probably felt ‘woken up,’ like a surge of energy was coursing through your veins.

Naturally, that happens. Why? Because exercise is known to boost your mood and increase your energy. Even short ones (e.g. a quick walk around the block) and low impact alternatives (e.g. yoga).

Chill Out in the A.M.

Gone (should be) the days of waking up fast, getting ready, and jetting off to work. Rushing yourself through the first hour of awakeness automatically sets you up for a tiresome day.

Instead, give yourself at least 15 minutes of freedom in the morning to slowly adjust and wake up from your deep slumber. Do something you enjoy. Examples can include sipping on your coffee, reading a book, checking social media, standing outside in the sun, or taking your dog for a short walk.

Don’t Skip Lunch

A lot of office gals and guys like to skip lunch on a hectic day, but did you know that skimping on or entirely passing over one meal can set you up for failure? That’s right, because without food every so often, your blood sugar levels can dip. Motivation will run dry and you’ll start to need that second or third cup of coffee.

The problem there? Caffeine will only give you temporary energy. Eating that meal that you missed will have you awake and alert for longer, making it much easier to maintain a steady production workflow.
Try Adding Micro-Breaks Into Your Schedule

Easily defined, micro-breaks are short and frequent STOPS throughout the day. They require you to step away from the desk, walk away from the project, breathe in some fresh air, and breathe out some stress.

In other words, it’s a recharge of the mind and body. Time away from the screen or the task at hand, even if it’s only five minutes, can boost productivity and prioritize energy and focus levels. You’ll come back feeling re-grouped, and better than before.

Tip: Take your micro-break one step further. Go on a five-minute walk in nature, eat a nutritional snack somewhere other than your office, or practice a quick meditation

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