Why Women Should Marry The Nerds

If you want to get ahead, you should pay close attention to who you marry. Says who…? Facebook’s chief operating officer,  and co-author of new book, “Option B”, Sheryl Sandberg. In a recent interview with Financial Times, she shared that women should choose partners who can help provide stability and support. Just like it’s easy for a child to do great in school when they are raised in a loving and supportive environment, it’s also easier to do well in your career when you have a partner who wants to see you succeed.

She’s not saying you can’t date different kinds of people. But, she is saying that when you’re ready for a serious relationship, go with a guy who believes in equality and encouragement.

How do you know the good ones from the sour apples? When asked this question in the interview, Sandberg shared that a woman should be clear on that from the get go. She said, “You ask, and you ask early, and you are not afraid of offending. If they’re going to be offended by the answer, you don’t want to date them anyway.”

This doesn’t mean that you have to have a partner in order to reach success. There are many powerhouses out there who have become successful without a romantic partner. For instance, Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Condoleezza Rice, and Oprah Winfrey have all reached great achievements on their own. In fact, there are many advantages to not having a partner including flexibility and increased independence.

If you do choose a partner, it’s important that you’re mindful at how they will impact and influence you in the future.

READ MORE: Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Tells Women To Marry The Nerds

Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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