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Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job

Quitting your job is a huge decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are many things you need to consider before leaving, and also some questions you should ask yourself beforehand.

What Changes Could Make You Stay In Your Current Position? 

One of the most natural things to do when a job gets tough or tiresome is to give up and quit. However, like many things in life, sometimes there are ways you can work through your current situation and come to a compromise with your employer.

Before handing in your notice, think about the things that make you unhappy in your position and what changes could make you happier and likely to stay. You should then book a meeting to discuss these with your manager before making any rash decisions. If the issue is money, you may find your boss will increase your salary to keep you, or if it’s the flexibility you need, some companies may help you work around it.

What Issues Would Be Resolved If You Quit? 

Ask yourself – are you merely running away from something and not toward something? Sometimes, it’s best to think about why you’re leaving your role, but it’s equally important to have a better opportunity or reason for quitting. Think about the reasons for wanting to leave your job. Then, write down how each of these will be resolved if you were to go.

Can You Afford to Quit? 

One of the most obvious things to consider before quitting any job is whether you will be able to survive financially should you leave. Even if you have another job lined up, don’t forget about the time in between your last pay day from your current position and your first pay at your new job.

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