Your Daily Thought

Scams Thieves Use to Separate You from Your Valuables

Thieves still find airports a rich hunting ground even though security measures have tightened all over the world. Travelers should stay alert from their arrival at the baggage carousel to their departure…

4 Romantic Winter Activities to Try

Winter can feel like a bit of a drag. The days are gloomy, the daylight hours are shorter, the temperatures are colder. But winter is a great time of year to connect…

Trick To Thicker Looking Hair

Are you worried about having limp or flat hair? If you happen to be having this problem, do not worry, as there’s a little trick you can try that will create the…

Avoid Getting Sick from Colds and the Flu

No one wants to get sick this season. Here are some tips that can help ensure you stay healthy and sickness-free… Make getting a flu shot your No. 1 priority to prevent…

Flying With Sanity: Quick Tips For Thanksgiving Travel

By Thanksgiving, the holiday season is in full swing. And while this may be a wonderful time of year for family…it can be a terrible time for travel! You’ve heard the nightmare…

Squeeze All the Liquids You Need into One Quart-Sized Bag

You are allowed to bring only one quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag of liquids in your carry-on through the airport security checkpoint. Containers in the bag must be limited in size to…

Longer Flights Pose Greater DVT Risks

Any long-distance journey lasting four hours or more doubles a traveler’s risk of a venous thrombosis or blood clot, no matter whether the travel is by plane, car, coach or train.  Some…

Choose a Customized Volumizing Shampoo

Different kinds of hair need different kinds of volumizing shampoos. The right kind of volumizing shampoo can make all the difference in how pleased you are with the result for your hair.…

Don’t Forget – Check Your Kid’s Halloween Candy

This Halloween, countless children will go trick-or-treating and fill their bags to their little hearts’ content. As a parent, though, it’s important to remember to check all their candy before they eat…

The Scary Part About Halloween Makeup

No Halloween is complete without dripping blood, skeletal features or princess glitter. Finding makeup that provides just the right Halloween look, however, can be downright scary when sensitive skin is an issue.…


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