Your Daily Thought

When to Discuss Dating History with a New Love Interest

It’s always so great in the very beginning when you first meet someone. You’re not talking about the past, or thinking about the past. But then, the honeymoon phase begins to end…

Do You Put Your Makeup on the Right Way?

Do you pull on your eyelid to apply eyeliner? Do you clump on your mascara? You’ve probably been putting makeup on for years — and there’s a chance that you’ve been putting…

Easy Tips to Help You Stay Fit

Long hours at the gym and restrictive diets are tough to maintain when you are trying to stay fit. Our budgets and busy schedules might not allow us to attend spin class every morning and nosh on organic…

How to Get a Dewy, Glowing Makeup Finish

The dewy, glowing look is already all over famous faces and runways models. But getting a youthful, fresh-faced look isn’t always as easy as waking up in the morning. Achieve the look…

Thirsty and Tired? You May Need More Than Water

Dehydration can be a prime culprit making you feel tired and sluggish. If we admit that we aren’t drinking enough water, it’s not surprising we feel the need for a nap. Nutritionists…

When Meditation Just Doesn’t Work For You

Ask someone who likes to meditate about meditation, and they’ll tell you it can do just about everything. Meditation reduces stress and clears the mind, relaxes the body and relieves anxiety. And…

Cute, Quick Hairstyles That Are Easy to Create

Getting ready for the day can turn into an Olympic sprint sometimes. When you’re pressed for time and in a hurry to get out the door, you haven’t got a spare minute…

Are You Taking Too Many Vitamins?

There’s an old saying that you can get too much of a good thing, and that is actually true. Though it’s rare, and many people don’t even know it’s possible, you can…

Hormonal Changes Can Affect Beautiful Smiles

Teeth are beautiful, and women need to be extra careful about taking care of their smiles during certain stages of life. The problem can be hormonal changes that contribute to periodontal disease,…


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