Your Daily Thought

A Natural Way to Plump Up Lips

Help in tightening a downturned mouth and jowls can be found in your kitchen. Include yams, green tea and soybeans in your diet to improve elasticity and flexibility that’s lost over time.…

Tricks For Making Your Hairbrush Squeaky Clean

Shampoo is great for cleaning a hairbrush. Use warm water to wet the brush. Squeeze a little shampoo on a toothbrush and use the toothbrush to scrub the hairbrush. Rinse. Or try…

Protect Teeth Between Brushings

If brushing your teeth after eating isn’t an option, keep your teeth clean by sipping on water flavored with a slice of lemon or orange. The fruit won’t add enough acidity to…

Better Sleep Eases Back Pain

Open your bedroom window to ease back pain. Ventilating the room for 10 minutes before bed improves sleep dramatically by clearing away carbon monoxide. Accumulations of the air we breathe out interfere…

How Bone Broth Can Help Curb Your Appetite

Two amino acids in bone broth will dampen your appetite by curbing the production of hunger hormones. Glycine and arginine help boost feelings of fullness and reduce your calorie intake at your…

Secret To Baby Soft Skin

If you want baby soft skin, here’s a tip…cut out sugar from your diet. Sugar bonds to proteins in your body and as a result produces free radicals that destroy your collagen…

Yellow Tint Cancels Out Blue Tones Under the Eyes

Hide blue and purple tones under the eyes by choosing a concealer with a slight yellow tint. Lock in moisture to plump skin under the eyes by selecting a concealer that contains…

Use Care with Sinus Meds

A word of caution about prolonged use of over-the-counter sinus medications. The habit can be dangerous to your health. If you are still using them for congestion after five days, go see…

Brush Your Hair Before You Wash It

Struggling to get tangles out of your hair after shampooing in the shower can be downright painful. Avoid the hassle by brushing your hair before you lather up. You’ll have to deal…

Floating Whittles Your Waist

Trim your midsection and have fun at the same time by taking a float into the swimming pool. Hoisting your body onto the raft and struggling to maintain stability gives a great…


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