Long-Distance Relationships: How to Make It Work

Maintaining a long-distance relationship is something many couples have to bear at some point in time. However, if both parties enter this period of being apart with the right mindset, it doesn’t have to be a relationship death sentence. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind to make it through this specific relationship milestone without a hitch.

Make Peace

The first thing both partners have to do is perhaps the hardest part of an LDR: to make peace with the fact that it’s happening. The more you yearn for normalcy and chase those feelings and experiences you had together, the more resistance to change builds. Instead, succumb to the realization that this is the new normal – for now. It’s also important to address any issues of jealousy and trust before your period of time apart. This requires an active mindset and consistent self-assurance and should be something both partners prioritize.

Make Time

Keeping schedule changes and time differences in mind, try to find moments where you and your partner have free periods for FaceTime, phone calls, and other means of connecting and bonding. Setting aside time for one another may seem like something you have to do daily, but even a weekly video call packed with meaningful conversations may be more significant than a burst of random texts. It really depends on your personalities how much you should be communicating.

There are also things you can do on your own time that don’t involve immediate responses from your partner. For example, you can text them a song that makes you think of them, write a letter and mail it the old-fashioned way, or post a picture of them on social media with a sweet caption.

Use Technology

If there’s any age where long-distance relationships can survive and thrive, we’re living in it! Thanks to apps, websites, and gadgets, you can feel connected to your partner every second of the day!

Outside of the classic FaceTime or Skype call, we suggest checking out apps like Teleparty, where you can watch your favorite streaming services in sync with one another, or Bunch, a video chat app where you can play games and party it up in the Metaverse!

For those who can’t fall asleep without their SO by their side, we suggest the aid of Pillow Talk, a wristband that tracks you and your partner’s heartbeats. Then, when it’s time for sleep, you put the included speaker under your pillow and listen to your partner’s heartbeat in real time.

Fall in Love With Yourself!

Try as we might, it’s nearly impossible not to form at least a little bit of dependency on your partner when you see them in person all of the time. The deeper this reliance, the more a LDR will impact you. For that reason, take this period of separation as a means to reintroduce yourself to yourself! Take yourself out on dates, immerse yourself in new hobbies or experiences, and do other things that will help you fall in love with yourself. Not only will this strengthen your self-confidence and self-reliance, but you’ll have a ton of great stories you can tell your partner once you see them again. And, you can still have fun!

Have any successful LDR stories? If you care to share, let us know in the comments below!

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